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Received: by with NNTP id AA7142 ; Mon, 18 Jan 93 10:48:18 EST Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Path: sserve!!!uunet!!nntp.Stanford.EDU!aquarius.Stanford.EDU!br.pct From: br.pct@RLG.Stanford.EDU (PCT) Subject: extract on 40mb disk Message-ID: <br.pct.9.727400343@RLG.Stanford.EDU> Lines: 11 Sender: news@leland.Stanford.EDU (Mr News) Organization: Research Libraries Group, Inc. Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1993 23:39:03 GMT Lines: 11 Hi, I am trying to install 386bsd on a 40mb disk. After install re-format the whole disk, there are about 37mb left. I deposit only the BIN01.xx files to /tmp & run extract. It goes almost to end, except it complains about filesystem full on write to /usr/sys/.... I am thinking, is it possible to use NFS before extract BIN01.xx? I was able to ftp thru EtherNet, but when I try to mount xx.xx.xx.xx:/tmp /tmp I get a xx.xx.xx.xx:/tmp no such files/directory. How can I install NFS manually before extract BIN01.XX & in single user mode & put BIN01.xx on another machine in the net, & do extract & overcome this problem? Thanks for any information!!!