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Received: by with NNTP id AA7670 ; Mon, 25 Jan 93 12:19:46 EST Path: sserve!!!sgiblab!!!linac!att!cbnewse!cbnewsd!att-out!rutgers!kb2ear!princeton!ernie.Princeton.EDU!bkc From: bkc@ernie.Princeton.EDU (Bruce Caruthers) Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Subject: [386BSD] Install w/ only 41 Meg? Keywords: 386bsd Message-ID: <1993Jan22.214017.7007@Princeton.EDU> Date: 22 Jan 93 21:40:17 GMT References: <> Sender: news@Princeton.EDU (USENET News System) Organization: Princeton University Lines: 27 Originator: news@nimaster Nntp-Posting-Host: Hi. Now that I've finally figured out how to get my system to boot from the hard drive for 386bsd, and I have the binary distribution on disk (I take it that the mread utility doesn't handle 720K disks in a 1.44 drive too well? I had to transfer them all to 1.2 disks, since I only had four unused 1.44's), I am trying to extract it. I thought I had read somewhere, either on the net or in the docs I printed out (can't find it now), that I could install on a 40 Meg partition. After having twenty minutes of errors from extract about "device full" followed by a reboot after a message which flashed past my screen in a blur before the reboot (as with just about every error message I have noticed), I figure it just ain't so. Is there any way to do partial extracts at a time? (Since it checks the files first, it won't let me do just some at a time) Is there perhaps some way to manually extract the stuff from the bin01.[0-5][0-9] files? (The docs say it is a form of cpio compressed format, so can I use cpio to do so, one or a few files at a time?) Slowly getting frustrated (and $aving up for the larger additional drive), -bkc -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bkc@Princeton.EDU Bruce Caruthers '93 Princeton University bkc@Sgi.COM "It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live." -- Marcus Aurelius