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Received: by with NNTP id AA1662 ; Tue, 23 Feb 93 14:52:28 EST Xref: sserve comp.unix.bsd:11416 comp.os.386bsd.misc:7 Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd,comp.os.386bsd.misc Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!sun-barr!!!!uuneo!sugar!peter From: (Peter da Silva) Subject: Re: [386bsd] TFTP .exrc sendmail binmail adduser Organization: NeoSoft Communications Services -- (713) 684-5900 Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 12:00:38 GMT Message-ID: <> Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.misc References: <> Lines: 24 In article <> (Vax) writes: > .exrc : I fooled with this thing forever, trying to get it to set my tabstops. > I know it is a security hole, but why not -just- read it from the home > dir and not from CWD? Was this disabled on purpose for security? That sounds weird. Security-wise, I'd recommend doing things the other way around. In any case, unless Elvis has problems with it, try setting EXINIT to "so $HOME/.exrc". Speaking of Elvis, how come you can't use any arbitrary delimiter on an arbitrary sub or global? > sendmail : I assume the debug hole is gone, but then again I assumed tftp > would be fixed too, so maybe this is still here. Unless you're actually on the Internet, I'd recommend you use my smail kit on and dump sendmail. It's based on smail 2.5, and is small, reasonably fast, and above all easy to understand. It works with a normal UUCP paths file, and you can build that by hand or grab stock pathalias. -- Peter da Silva. <>. `-_-' Oletko halannut suttasi tänään? 'U` Tarjoilija, tämä ateria elää vielä.