*BSD News Article 11698

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From: david@jake.EEAP.CWRU.Edu (David Nerenberg)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: XFree-1.2 crashes w/ xv weather map
Date: 23 Feb 1993 04:26:15 GMT
Organization: Case Western Reserve University
Lines: 23
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <1mc917INN6db@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: jake.eeap.cwru.edu

I was trying to remote display a weather map on my machine and it did
not like it at all.  Bacially, I run xv from another machine authorized
to display on my screen and X crashes locally, all the way out.  At 
least it does re-set the vidio mode back to text!

I get the following error:

xinit:  connection to X server lost
Cannot execute KBDFORCEASCII ioctl:  Inapppropriate ioctl for device

I don't understand why a remote client is causing xinit to loose it's 
connection.  More still, what is trying to force my keyboard into
ASCII mode?  But regardless, something must be wrong here.   I am running 
a fully patched kernal (gcc 1.39 compiled), and the new XFree-1.2 from agate.

Any ideas?

david@elwood.eeap.cwru.edu             David Nerenberg
73107,177 CompuServe                   Electrical Engineering & Applied Physics
NY:  H-516-751-6344                    Case Western Reserve University
     W-516-751-8111                    W-216-368-2982   H-216-754-2085