*BSD News Article 11817

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Received: by minnie.vk1xwt.ampr.org with NNTP
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From: dfox@quack.sac.ca.us (David Fox)
Subject: Re: Is fixing /bin/sh worthwhile?
Message-ID: <fZPePT0@quack.sac.ca.us>
Organization: The Duck Pond public unix: +1 408 249 9630, log in as 'guest'.
References: <CONKLIN.93Feb23174603@talisman.kaleida.com>
Date: 25 Feb 1993 21:57:17 UTC
Lines: 29

In article <CONKLIN.93Feb23174603@talisman.kaleida.com> conklin@kaleida.com writes:
>I know many people have goto around these sort of problems by copying
>bash to /bin/sh.  But I'm attempting to fix the bugs.  I fixed a
>parsing bug last weekend, and I'm working on a quoting bug now.

This might be a good idea, except that bash takes up a good deal more memory
than does sh.  This could lead to problems on machines without lots of RAM.

>replaced by bash, zsh, pd-ksh, or whatever in a future release.

I've got the new zsh which was posted in comp.sources.misc recently compiled
and running.  It's a pretty nice shell, but takes almost as much RAM as
bash does.

>J.T. Conklin <jtc@wimsey.com>    | Your source for floppy distributions
>    61 Crestwood Drive #18       |    of the 386BSD OS and binaries
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in real life: david fox            email: dfox@quack.sac.ca.us
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