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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!cayman!stemwinder.FCR.COM!stemwinder!root From: (Charlie Root) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs Subject: still vm "slowdown/death" after patchkit 0.2.1 Message-ID: <> Date: 24 Mar 93 19:31:28 GMT Organization: /root/.organization Lines: 22 NNTP-Posting-Host: I've installed patchkit 0.2.1 and I'm still seeing a gradual slowdown/death as if slowly some kernel resource is going away... (vm pages?) I'm running on an 8mb 486/33. If I only one one or two things, like a big build or a big build inside an emacs shell buffer, everything is ok. The system will stay up for weeks. But, forexample, the other day I rebuilt libc inside an emacs shell buffer. I got board so I logged in on the console (the emacs was in an xterm on a different machine). I did a compile. All of the sudden the machine began to slow down (libc was troff-ing it's man pages). After about 10 minutes it slowed to a crawl. Then, it refused to give shell prompts (well, they came, but after 2-3 minutes). I finally rebooted. I've seen this behavior since 0.1 came out. I don;t know if it was in 0.0. Any ideas? Other than this I'm very happy. I'd even be willing to read my email on 386bsd (the acid test ;-) -brad