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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!usc!wupost!uunet!pipex!sunic!isgate!!adam From: (Adam David) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs Subject: sed misbehaving? Message-ID: <> Date: 29 Mar 93 14:19:20 GMT Organization: Veda Systems, Iceland Lines: 58 I'm running 0.1 + patchkit 0.2.1 and sed seems to be rather confused. While hacking the cnews mail-news-mail gateway scripts to work in this part of the net under 386bsd various inconsistencies became apparent. The 'distribute' script as supplied and used with the -n flag to gateway mail into a local newsgroup duplicated all the modified mail headers and all the lines of the mail message except the last one, also several extra empty lines were being inserted in the output and messing it up. After major reworking and abandoning all attempts to use sed's -n flag and 'p' commands, and rewriting the sed script to avoid branching to labels (keeping things as simple as frustration allows) the script is now almost working. Here is the section that doesn't work: . . /^[Rr]eceived:/,/^[^ TAB]/{ /^[Rr]eceived:/d /^[ TAB]/d } . . TAB is the ascii tab character 0x09, in case it's not obvious this section discards Received: lines (including any continuation lines starting with SPACE or TAB). There must be plenty of other tidier ways of doing this but I'm trying to find a way that actually works here without getting too complicated. Using an input file that has the following form, the last continuation line still sneaks out into the output: input ----- From ... Received: from ... by ... Message-Id: ... Received: from ... with ... Received: from ... id ... Date: ... output ------ Path: ... Message-ID: ... id ... Date: ... The line beginning ' id' should have disappeared already, nothing else in the script affects this line (or anything else to do with 'Received:'). The other changes are done by other parts of the script. What is wrong with sed? -- Adam David (