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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!cgd From: cgd@erewhon.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Chris G. Demetriou) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development Subject: Re: any chance of... Date: 29 Mar 93 22:30:17 Organization: Kernel Hackers 'r' Us Lines: 44 Message-ID: <CGD.93Mar29223017@erewhon.CS.Berkeley.EDU> References: <> <> <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of Tue, 30 Mar 1993 04:17:06 GMT In article <> (Nate Williams) writes: >I asked Bill about this one, and the reason he used cpio on the >original distribution is because the cpio binary was much smaller >than the tar binary, and hence they could fit more stuff in the >distribution floppies. another worthwhile solution is: =================================================================== RCS file: /b/source/CVS/src/sys.386bsd/i386/i386/autoconf.c,v retrieving revision diff -c -r1.1.1.1 autoconf.c *** /tmp/,RCSt1022802 Mon Mar 29 22:27:55 1993 --- autoconf.c Mon Mar 29 22:27:47 1993 *************** *** 165,170 **** --- 165,177 ---- */ if (rootdev == orootdev) return; + if (devname[majdev][0] == 'f' && devname[majdev][1] == 'd') { + printf(""); + printf("* insert the floppy you want to have mounted as\n"); + printf("* root, and hit any key to continue booting:\n"); + cngetc(); + printf(""); + } printf("changing root device to %c%c%d%c\n", devname[majdev][0], devname[majdev][1], mindev >> PARTITIONSHIFT, part + 'a'); =================================================================== people shouldn't be booting off floppies, for standard use anyway, and this makes making a install/fixit floppy set that much easier -- more space on the floppies for useful utilities, plus you only need to update one disk if you want a new kernel. chris -- Chris G. Demetriou In case you didn't know: There are blondes and bogons in the VM system!