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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:1177 comp.unix.bsd:11731 Path: sserve!!!ariel.ucs.unimelb.EDU.AU!!lugb!latcs1!!wongm Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.unix.bsd Subject: Problem during extraction of source distribution Message-ID: <> From: (M.C. Wong) Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1993 02:17:19 GMT Sender: (news) Organization: Comp Sci, La Trobe Uni, Australia Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 65 Hi, I've managed to extracted and installed the base system (binary dist.). However, when I was extracting the source dist. (src01), I've got the following problem : # after I copied all the src01.* into /tmp # cd /tmp # ./extract src01 Checking distribution files: Unpacking distribution: cpio: current <usr/src/Makefile> newer or same age panic: kmem_malloc:kmem_map too small updating disks before rebooting... The panic message appeared after about 15-20 minutes during extraction. After that, the system hangs at the last message for about 5-10 min and reboot by itself! What happen here ? What should I do ? When the system returns and boots up, I get all the src01 cpio files into /tmp again, and restart the process. This time it extracts the rest of the files into their correct positions except complaination about existing files. And this is what happen : # recopy the files into /tmp # cd /tmp # ./extracr src01 <usr/src/Makefile> newer or same age . . . . /tmp/install.src01:Can't open /tmp/install.src01 extract:Cannot execute installtion script of distribution, failed It appears that extract doesn't extract install.src01 at all, whereas for bin01 extraction, it did extract install.bin01 successfully! Can anyone out there shed some light on my problem. I looked into some FAQ and installion notes, but nothing is mentioned about this. Finally, when I booted up my 386BSD from HD, there is a small complain : /386bsd:_dumpdev not in namelist Mar29 21:04:17 lespoir savecore:_dumpdev not in namelist symorder:/386bsd:stripped:Inappropriate file type or format It seems like my /386bsd kernel has got some little problem, but it can boot up and run (starting the rest of the daemons, too). So, should I just ignore that complain about /386bsd, or is that the reason which caused the extraction failure ? The following are my sys. config : 486/33 with 2 VESA LB slots, HD size = 350MB 386BSD partition on Conner 544 MB HD (CP3544), 16M RAM, GDE4000VL PLUS multi i/o card for Tseng Lab SVGA card (G-HOST4000 PLUS) and for IDE! Is the multi i/o card causing the problem in any way ? Please email/post your suggestions/tips, etc! And, many thanks in advance !! -- -