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Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!swrinde!emory!!!cmcl2!!stark.UUCP!gene From: gene@stark.uucp (Gene Stark) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: Rotating the syslogs Date: 30 Mar 93 09:21:28 Organization: Gene Stark's home system Lines: 34 Message-ID: <GENE.93Mar30092128@stark.stark.uucp> References: <1p77tt$rq3@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> <g89r4222.733427031@kudu> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: stark.uucp In-reply-to:'s message of Mon, 29 Mar 93 22:44:23 GMT In article <> (Scott Mace) writes: In article <g89r4222.733427031@kudu> (Geoff Rehmet) writes: >In <1p77tt$rq3@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu> david@jake.EEAP.CWRU.Edu (David Nerenberg) writes: > >Yu shouldn't really have a problem. Note that the bindist comes >with files /etc/daily and /etc/weekly, which should be run daily >and weekly respectively, to do things like rotating logs. > I've always had problems with this, my system gets real funky when this executes. I sometimes locks my keyboard in X, and also more(1) complains about not having some ioctl. Strange..... Has anyone else encountered this? -- Yes. My /etc/daily apparently does something to the console which locks the keyboard if it is in X, and causes the "ioctl not supported: thus job control not available in this shell" message if the console is not in X (I am using syscons). I put in code to print out ioctl's done to the console, in the hope of finding out what was going on. There is just one ioctl that occurs during the running of /etc/daily, and it is a "getmode" ioctl, I think. Of course, there shouldn't be any ioctls getting done, because these shell scripts are getting run by cron, which supposedly has disowned the console when it started. So, I suspect that the problem is caused when a process that shouldn't have access to the console somehow does get access to it and manages to do an ioctl. This is as far as I got in trying to track this down, but I would like to have a solution, since it is an annoyance. - Gene Stark --