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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!olivea!decwrl!decwrl!!sue!udevdiv!roe From: roe@Unibase.SK.CA (Roe Peterson) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: X25/X29 for 386BSD??? Message-ID: <1993Apr2.173824.24364@Unibase.SK.CA> Date: 2 Apr 93 17:38:24 GMT Organization: Unibase Telecom Ltd. Lines: 12 Howdy. I have what may be a dumb question for any X.25/X.29 gurus out there. I've located all the source code I need to turn a 386bsd box into an X.25 pad with incoming x.29 connection requests but one: the code that turns an async port into a network interface. I'm presuming that I should be able to connect a 9600-baud sync incoming X.25 line to async (via black box), plug that into a com port, and run x25 over that. Any comments?