*BSD News Article 14665

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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.apps
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!cs.mu.OZ.AU!summer
From: summer@ee.mu.OZ.AU (Mark Summerfield)
Subject: Re: OLVWM -- anyone interested?
Message-ID: <summer.735201032@mullian.ee.Mu.OZ.AU>
Sender: news@cs.mu.OZ.AU
Organization: Computer Science, University of Melbourne, Australia
References: <9310623.28893@mulga.cs.mu.OZ.AU> <1qrf50$20d@tricky.wft.stack.urc.tue.nl> <summer.735178126@mullian.ee.Mu.OZ.AU>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 06:30:32 GMT
Lines: 22

jim@tar.es.ele.tue.nl (Jim Rump) writes:

>There is a working port of olvwm around for a long time. You can get it
>as binary or source. This includes olvwm, textedit, etc...
>Only cmdtool produced some mayor problems, so it is not included in the  
>binary distribution.

You mean the one in .../0.1-ports/X-apps/xview3?

This doesn't include olvwm (which isn't part of the xview3 distribution
anyway) or textedit.  Or are they somewhere else in the heirarchy, and I
just missed them.  Nobody so far has told me how to get a working textedit. :-(

              Mark Summerfield,  Photonics Research Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne  
                ACSnet[AARN/Internet]: summer@ee.mu.oz[.au] 
library, n., a place with a large number of people, a slightly larger number
  of books, and a very small number of photocopiers, of which at any given
                   time at least 50% will be out of order.