*BSD News Article 14935

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From: themos@umbc.edu (Mr. Themos Pentakalos)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Training!
Date: 22 Apr 1993 15:45:38 -0400
Organization: University of Maryland, Baltimore County Campus
Lines: 27
Message-ID: <1r6sl2INNsn2@umbc5.umbc.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: umbc5.umbc.edu
X-Auth-User: themos

Hi everyone,

Since this is a related list, I thought I'd post something I just
found out:

Our University's Continuing Education program has just started a 
training program and they hired some consulting company to do
a lot of great classes. The classes are held somewhere in the
Baltimore-Washington DC area. Here are some of the titles:

- Alpha Architecture / Migration Planning
- UNIX  (whole bunch of different ones... system management, networking, etc.)
- Windows NT Internals and Configurations
- Ethernet stuff
- Pathworks stuff
- Windows for Workgroups
- a lot of others I don't recall right now.

The best part about it is that they have some ridiculously low prices.
I guess that's because the University is non-for-profit.

Anyway, if anyone's interested in their spring catalog, give this number
a buzz:  (410) 455-2336