*BSD News Article 15017

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Xref: sserve comp.os.linux:35706 comp.os.386bsd.questions:1921
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From: bm@cs.columbia.edu (Blair MacIntyre)
Subject: Re: Summary of Linux vs. 386BSD vs. Commercial Unixes
In-Reply-To: bm@shadow.columbia.edu's message of Thu, 22 Apr 1993 19:04:30 GMT
Message-ID: <C5xtB7.FD3@cs.columbia.edu>
Sender: news@cs.columbia.edu (The Daily News)
Reply-To: Blair MacIntyre <bm@cs.columbia.edu>
Organization: Columbia University
References: <C5poEp.8Jw@kithrup.com> <C5qCnn.5Kw@sugar.neosoft.com>
	<1993Apr20.135723.752@rcvie.co.at> <C5wFnJ.KMt@cs.columbia.edu>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 12:57:07 GMT
Lines: 18

>>>>> On Thu, 22 Apr 1993 19:04:30 GMT, bm@shadow.columbia.edu (me!) said:

me> [ a lot of drivel ....]

Sorry about that post, which reflected a complete lack of a clue as to
the GNU GPL.  I have read it, but it was a long time ago.  

I basically broke the First Rule of Usenet Posting[tm]:
- thou shalt not post when you have been up all night, are in a bad
  mood, and someone says something that annoys you.

How embarrasing.

Thanks for all the intelligent responses.  Not.  :-)
Blair MacIntyre --- bm@cs.columbia.edu --- CS Department, Columbia University

			"You drive, you kill."  --- from the movie "Roadkill"