*BSD News Article 15037

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Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!ariel.ucs.unimelb.EDU.AU!ucsvc.ucs.unimelb.edu.au!lugb!latcs1!ipc4.lat.oz.au!wongm
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: repost : problem booting up after rebuliding kernel
Message-ID: <1993Apr26.055603.15232@latcs1.lat.oz.au>
From: wongm@ipc4.lat.oz.au (M.C. Wong)
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 05:56:03 GMT
Sender: news@latcs1.lat.oz.au (news)
Organization: Comp Sci, La Trobe Uni, Australia
Nntp-Posting-Host: ipc4.lat.oz.au
Lines: 29

	I have my COM3 nd COM4 firstly configured on IRQ5 and IRQ2, and
rebuilding the kernel, and it works all fine. Until I realized that I
have actually installed Chris' COM driver for IRQ sharing for COM1/COM3, and
COM2/COM4. So I reedit my config file and change the IRQ of COM3 back to IRQ2
and COM4 back to IRQ 3, and recompiled my kernel.

   	This time when rebooted, here are the 2 different cases that happen :

	1) It starts up all of the daemons, and hangs at the date and time
	   line (the last line seen before login prompt get printed) for a
  	   few seconds and reboot itself again! The login prompt has never
	   been able to see the light of the day.

	2) After 1 happens, the system reboots itself, this time fixing up
	   some of the filesystem inconistencies, and reboot again (normal).
	   When it boots up aain  this time, again it hangs at the line
	   reporting the current date and time, without the login prompt
	   ever appear again (as in 1).

	I tried rebulding the kernel for a few times, and try out the reboot
procedures, and it all happens as what have been outlned above. So I have got
not choice to put myself back to the old kernel.

	I wonder can anyone help out please ? Many many thanks in advance and
email replies appreciated.
- wongm@latcs1.lat.oz.au