*BSD News Article 15494

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Xref: sserve comp.os.os2.programmer:11396 comp.os.coherent:9199 comp.os.linux:37026 comp.os.mach:2834 comp.os.minix:22065 comp.periphs:3613 comp.unix.bsd:11949 comp.unix.pc-clone.32bit:2588 comp.os.386bsd.development:653
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From: jmonroy@netcom.com (Jesus Monroy Jr)
Subject: [RFBC] Route Slip
Message-ID: <jmonroyC6FJ4C.6AJ@netcom.com>
Keywords: route communication slip 
Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest)
Date: Mon, 3 May 1993 02:33:48 GMT
Lines: 48

                   Request For Better Communications
                In order to provide a better framework and
        a clearer understanding between the development groups
        I request that any communications to myself use the form
        below.    This will give us all a better appreciation of
        circumstances.  Your cooperation will be appreciated.
                Thank you for your attention.
    To:___________________              From:_________________________
    _____ PREPARE REPLY(Say anything,   _____ FOR YOUR INFORMATION (Touche'.
          but don't quote me.)                I told you I was right.)
    _____ FOR MY SIGNATURE(Your idea    _____ FOR YOUR COMMENT(You screwed
          is a good one. I'll take            this up so badly, I just
          credit for it.)                     want to see what you have
                                              to say.)
    _____ FOR YOUR SIGNATURE (I'm       _____ INVESTIGATE (Find some hot
          going to stick you with             tuna to blame this one.)
          this turkey.) ---
    _____ REVIEW AND RETURN (I've       _____ SEE ME (I don't know what
          made the decison, but if            to do.)
          I'm wrong, you'll share
          the blame.)
    _____ LET'S DICUSS (Try to talk     Additonal Remarks:
          your way out of this one,
          Whiz Kid.)
Jesus Monroy Jr                                          jmonroy@netcom.com
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