*BSD News Article 1687

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Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!spool.mu.edu!caen!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!unmvax!uservx.plk.af.mil!crook
From: crook@uservx.plk.af.mil
Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Subject: Where do I find these routines?
Message-ID: <1992Jun25.153803.34496@uservx.plk.af.mil>
Date: 25 Jun 92 15:38:03 GMT
Article-I.D.: uservx.1992Jun25.153803.34496
Organization: Phillips Laboratory - Kirtland AFB
Lines: 14

	I am trying to install the hesiod version of the resolver from the
MIT athena project.  It uses BIND and I retrieved that distribution from
Berkely but when I make the sources it is missing the routines:

What library or include files are they in and where do I get them?

I am just learning UNIX and any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

David Crook

P.S. if this is the wrong group to ask, which is the correct one?