*BSD News Article 17088

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From: g89r4222@kudu.ru.ac.za (Geoff Rehmet)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Recompiling kernel with gcc 2.4.2/3?
Message-ID: <g89r4222.739979520@kudu>
Date: 13 Jun 93 13:52:00 GMT
Article-I.D.: kudu.g89r4222.739979520
References: <crt.739941196@tiamat.umd.umich.edu>
Sender: news@hippo.ru.ac.za (Usenet News Admin)
Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
Lines: 42

In <crt.739941196@tiamat.umd.umich.edu> crt@tiamat.umd.umich.edu (Rob Shady) writes:

>Okay, I have already been told it can't be done without modifications to
>the kernel source.  Now, what exactly is the problem with the packed
>structures?  OR is it something else?  What needs to be changed to
>get it to work, and why isn't/hasn't it been done?  Doesn't it make more
>sense to stick with one compiler (perhaps the latest, or at least later
>than 1.39???) that is probably more bug free, and has better profiling
>options and such?  I move that we upgrade the kernel sources to be 
>compilable under 2.4.2, all in favor say *you do it*.. ;)  Which of
>course, I'd be happy to, if I knew what the hell I was supposed to be
>looking for.. <G>

There is a small set of patches available on most of the 386bsd
ftp sites, which allows kernel compilation with gcc 2.3.3.
(I sincerely hope that these fixes will work for 2.4.2)

I'm pretty sure that agate should have these.

The problem is now - if these patches get made part of the
official unofficial patchkit, then those people without gcc(whatever the
latest version is) are not able to compile kernel (maybe I'm
wrong on that one) - so it would be necessary to make gcc(2.3.3
or 2.4.2) the official C compiler for 386bsd, which introduces
the problem of increasing the size of the distribution sets.

I think that people who are that keen on later versions of gcc can
add the extra patches to the kernel themselves - just create a
new kernel source tree - and then compile kernel with the new
gcc.  (If you have enough disk to compile gcc then you have
enough disk for an extra kernel source tree ;=) 

I'm happy to leave version increments of the official compiler to
Bill Jollitz when he releases 386bsd0.2.


 Geoff Rehmet, Parallel Processing Group, |#define DISCLAIMER These are my
 Computer Science Department,             |         ramblings, not the
 Rhodes University, RSA.                  |         University's