*BSD News Article 1748

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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd
Path: sserve!manuel!munnari.oz.au!mips!mips!darwin.sura.net!eng.ufl.edu!wasp.eng.ufl.edu!john
From: john@wasp.eng.ufl.edu (John Paul O'Brien)
Subject: Re: Funding 4.4BSD Development
Message-ID: <1992Jun29.230559.10925@eng.ufl.edu>
Sender: news@eng.ufl.edu (Usenet Diskhog System)
Reply-To: john@wasp.eng.ufl.edu (John Paul O'Brien)
Organization: U of Florida Engineering Comuputing Services
References: <18729@plains.NoDak.edu> <1992Jun27.160309.21709@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 92 23:05:59 GMT

In article <1992Jun27.160309.21709@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg> eoahmad@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg (Othman Ahmad) writes:
>In article <18729@plains.NoDak.edu> tinguely@plains.NoDak.edu (Mark Tinguely) writes:
>:  Let us all admit there is a want for support code -- be it from DEC,
>:  SunSoft, BSDI, etc. There is a need for BSDI-like support. As a personal
>:  thought, I wish it did not come at such a high price (a wedge between
>:  386bsd and bsd386 forces).
>I am not sure about US. My experience here is that we do not really get
>much support even from such companies such as DEC on their VMS. For example
>we still have problems printing from ultrix to out printers which are
>connected via decnet to Vax running on VMS.
>	You may say that it is exceptionally difficult but I also have
>experience with much simpler programs written by local(Malaysian) programmers in
>interpretive basic working for NCR. When we try to extract more data for further
>processing, they cannot give us the format of their data storage. Let alone
>the source code when we are the only customer for that program.
>	Of course they do get work done but not to my efficiency standard.
>We could have done better.
>	The best support is the source code itself. The only role played
>by developers is in releasing new versions which may be called support also. 
>:  Previous BSD releases have not been free. The charge was nominal, but
>:  there was a charge. I think we paid $1000.00 for BSD 4.2 a long time
>:  ago; maybe a $400 (?) for the upgrade to 4.3. There was a small charge
>:  if we elected to go to Tahoe, and Reno. BUT IT WAS WORTH THE NOMINAL
>:  The important thing, is BSD was fixed base that we learned kernel and system
>:  techniques. I provided working utilities (that vendors were slow or unwilling
>That is the whole point!
>:  to fix). It gave us source to customize our environment. I gave us the common
>:  ground to experiment. Some of the experiments worked, some did not. In the
>:  process, BSD gave Unix the features we see in "commercial" Unix. BSD MADE
>:  what Unix is today (even look at System V R4).
>:  Yes, the CSRG is made up of very talented individuals, and also there
>:  is many minds from across the country that contributed to BSD software.
>:  I think we need to finish BSD 4.4 by either purchasing the software or
>:  set a private fund. We also need to keep BSD software active. We need
>:  a common environment to do our research and our learning. Commercial software
>:  is too restrictive and not a common ground. If we fail to keep a research
>:  environment, Unix devolopement will only happen in big companies, and
>:  new features will be acquired by those with big money or cross-licenses
>:  agreements.
>:  I know what I am saying involves A TREMENDOUS amount of time and money.
>:  We are also looking a the future of Unix.
>What is needed is proper marketing. That involves proper pricing and 
>salesmanship. I have a lot of ideas on this but not sure if it is proper
>to discuss in usenet.
>Othman bin Ahmad, School of EEE,
>Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 2263.
>Internet Email: eoahmad@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg
>Bitnet Email: eoahmad@ntuvax.bitnet

John Paul O'Brien, Manager of Network Services and Distributed Systems
Nova University, Network Services and Distributed Systems
3301 College Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33314	Phone: (305) 475-7633
Internet: john@solar.nova.edu