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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.development:904 comp.os.386bsd.development:905 Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!olivea!!ai-lab!calvin From: (Calvin) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.386bsd.development Subject: Re: 386bsd mach server? Followup-To: comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.386bsd.misc Date: 1 Jul 1993 22:31:19 GMT Organization: Free Software Foundation, Wayne State University C&IT/UTO Lines: 153 Sender: Distribution: world Message-ID: <> References: <20toq3$3mv@calvin.NYU.EDU> NNTP-Posting-Host: Summary: Status of the Mach Port Keywords: Mach Like BSD4.4, the CMU-Mach Team has voluntarily decided not to release their code unitl the USL v. BSDI/UCB lawsuit is resolved. While this has disappointed many of us who have waited for a freely available port of the CMU/Berkeley code, it is in their best interests. From Ernst.Mach.CS.CMU.EDU:/FAQ/ : --- CMU is now distributing a research distribution of Mach 3.0. The Mach 3.0 micro-kernel sources for the i386 and DecStation 3100 do not require any licenses. In order to get Unix kernel functionality, the Unix-server is needed and it requires a BSD 4.3 license. --- From Ernst.Mach.CS.CMU.EDU:/doc/notes/bnr2ss : --- Date: June 8, 1993 Subject: BSDSS Server Author: Mary Thompson ------------------------------ Announcing BSDSS8, the Mach single server for 386bsd. BSDSS8 is an implementation of UNIX that derives from Berkeley's Networking Release 2 (BNR2) as redistributed by William Jolitz. CMU's Mach group is making this release available on an "as-is" basis. It is our hope that members of the systems community will help to ensure BSDSS's continued vitality. The CMU Mach group will be able to devote very limited effort to this project. System support is complicated by the existence of several different kernels derived from BNR2. Thus it is not clear which we should be trying to maintain compatibilty with. However, we do think that this release will at least be of instructional value in letting a wider audience see the structure of a microkernel/server based Unix emulation. About a year a go, Randy Dean took the then existing 386BSD 0.0 kernel and made a server of it that would use the facilities of the Mach3.0 micro kernel. In the intervening time, features from 0.1 and the 0.2.3 patch level (of 0.1) have been added to this base. We have also done some performance tuning. Using the ODE compilation tools, the Mach3.0 kernel and the BSDSS8 server can be built on a native CMU 386 system. These tools are very close to also working on the native 386BSD platform. Additionally, an alternative simpler compilation process is available for the native 386BSD system. Performance: ------------ At present, the BSDSS server is slower than the native kernel. For example, a compilation run (of the kernel and server) that takes 41 minutes on a 50Mhz EISA 486 (256K cache 16Meg memory) running the native 386BSD kernel, takes 50 minutes when running the BSDSS8 system. There are several areas that could be attacked to try to improve BSDSS performance and there is a feature that lets you to profile the server as it runs that will help locate performance bottlenecks. Missing Features: ----------------- The present server does not have an inode pager. This means that every time a program is executed the entire executable file must be read into memory. It is not mapped. Also, as does the 386BSD system, the server also lacks the ability to run multi-threaded applications. This should be much easier to implement in the context of BNR2 than the old 4.3BSD system where we originally did it. (The system calls do not refer to global state anymore.) The cordrv device was not available when this project started and has not been implemented, yet. Thus X11R5 access is not currently available. Bugs: ----- At present, the only perverse and disabling bug is an intermittent one that we have not isolated yet. Sometime, when the server is terminating a process, the server loops waiting for the PTY to close down. Typically, this happens early after boot, if it happens at all. The current microkernel/server does not boot on a native 386BSD system. Locally we use the Mach 386 boot program and setup the disk and filesystems with the Mach 386 tools. Our kernel can not read yet read 386BSD disk labels; further the native 386bsd boot program can not boot the Mach 3.0 kernel. (It is loaded to physical memory address 1Meg and takes a certain configuration of arguments from the boot.) It is my intent to try to remedy this problem by fixing the Mach3.0 disk routines and the 386BSD loader. Obtaining the code: ------------------- All machines that are registered to sup Mach 3.0 BSD licensed code from CMU, can sup 386BSD. Sup instructions for the Mach/BSDSS sources appear below. The supfiles for the kernel sources and the Mach 3.0 release are the same as for any i386 release. mach3.release now contains binaries of the BSD server named vmunix.BSDSS8.STD+WS and emulator.BSDSS8 mach3.kernel release=default hostbase=/usr2 base=/usr/mach3/src/mk use-rel-suffix crypt=<crypt> mach3.kernel release=i386 hostbase=/usr2 base=/usr/mach3/src/mk use-rel-suffix crypt=<crypt> mach3.buildtools release=ode hostbase=/usr2 base=usr/mach3/src/buildtools crypt=<crypt> use-rel-suffix mach3.release release=i386 hostbase=/usr2 base=/usr/mach3/release use-rel-suffix crypt=<crypt> The line to get the BSDSS sources is: mach3.bsdss release=default hostbase=/usr2 base=/usr/mach3/src/bsdss use-rel-suffix crypt=<crypt> If you need more explanation than this FTP the complete sup instructions from, as user anonymous, doc/notes/mach3_sup. If you have an empty Mach partition on a 386/486 platform, you can populate the Mach partition, with the 386BSD system from one of the archive sites and then just add the BSDSS server, emulator and kernel to this partition. The installation of the BDSSS server is identical to that of the UX server. FTP doc/notes/mach3_setup.doc if you need more explanation. If there is enough interest, we will setup a sup collection for the 386BSD binaries. Support and more information ---------------------------- ALL SUBSEQUENT DISCUSSION should be directed to the mailing list. --- (End included file.) For more information, please subscribe to the bnr2ss mailing list via . ***************************************************************************** * * Eric Vette (Calvin) * * The views expressed here are not * Computational Biochemist * * those of the FSF, my employer(s), * * * myself, or anyone else! * * * * * * * evette@waynest1 * ***********************************************************.sig*virus******** !! Science is the search for more things to search for... !! -- ***************************************************************************** * * Eric Vette (Calvin) * * The views expressed here are not * Computational Biochemist * * those of the FSF, my employer(s), * *