*BSD News Article 18036

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:3580 comp.databases:22992 comp.databases.ingres:3240
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From: daveho@yang.earlham.edu
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.databases,comp.databases.ingres
Subject: Where is ingres for 386bsd?
Message-ID: <1993Jul6.225520.23928@yang.earlham.edu>
Date: 7 Jul 93 03:55:20 GMT
Organization: Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana
Lines: 12

    Where can I find a version of ingres for 386bsd?  I know there is
one, but I don't know where.  If you know where it is and/or have had
some experience running it under 386bsd, please let me know.


David Hovemeyer         | Drawer 1626
daveho@yang.earlham.edu | Earlham College
317-962-8824            | Richmond, IN 47374