*BSD News Article 18103

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From: loodvrij%cyb@fredbox.cts.com
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: Slcompress, slip header compression ? 
Message-ID: <qZac7B2w165w@cyb.cojones.com>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 93 14:58:13 ADT
References: <2C390ECD.8457@news.service.uci.edu>
Distribution: world
Organization: The Cacophonous Yodellers' BBS - (907) 338-4942
Lines: 26

swallace@balboa.eng.uci.edu (Steven Wallace) writes:

> What exactly is header compression?  Can SLIP send a packet in compressed
> format and the server uncompress the data thereby increasing throughput?
> If so, that's a neat feature!  Otherswise, someone should put it into
> SLIP (obviously require both ends to implement).  Does anyone know
> where to get specs on SLIP anyways?

Its skimmed over in *the* book (The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD
UNIX Operating System, by Karels, McKusic, Leffler and Quarterman).  From
what I remember, (I lent my copy out) the packets are simply stuffed down the
line delimited by escape characters.  Escapes within packets are themselves
escaped to avoid confusion, and thats about it.  Nice, simple,
straightforward protocol.

IMHO, though, compressing the packets would probably be rather expensive.
Much better to get a compressing Modem, really.


Bruce J. Keeler (907) 337-8193 or 269-4253  | "...and Bruce is in charge    |
Internet: loodvrij%cyb@fredbox.cts.com OR   |        of the sheep dip!"     |
Internet: loodvrij@cyb.cojones.com          |      [ PGP key available ]    |
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