*BSD News Article 18659

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Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!network.ucsd.edu!ogicse!emory!swrinde!news.dell.com!dellgate!cdenny
From: cdenny@dellgate.dell.com (Charles Denny)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: HELP-> New NetBSD 0.8 user
Message-ID: <96@dellgate.dell.com>
Date: 20 Jul 93 16:20:47 GMT
Article-I.D.: dellgate.96
Sender: news@raid.dell.com (Net News Admin)
Organization: Dell Computer Co
Lines: 15
Nntp-Posting-Host: dellgate.dell.com

  I've just installed NetBSD on a sytems with a Maxtor LXD-340A hd,
i486 processor, 8 megs of ram.  The installation appeared to have no
problems, (ie I had no errors), and I installed all distribution sets.
My problem is that several programs seem to be missing. I can't find a
binary of elvis/vi and when I went to compile the source, I didn't
have a compiled version of make.  My question is, is there a shell
script that I missed that compiles the sources for the rest of the
commands? Or is something missing from the distribution sets. I got
them off of agate.berkeley.edu.  Also is there a FAQ for this piece of
software? and if so, where is it? 

