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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!!uunet!pipex!sunic!isgate!!adam From: (Adam David) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs Subject: lost tty output Message-ID: <> Date: 23 Aug 93 13:59:57 GMT Organization: Veda Systems, Iceland Lines: 11 pk 0.2.4 with codrv, I ping a host that is down: "ping $downhost" and ping waits for the returned packets which do not arrive. Now, I quit ping with ^C and there is no output from the tty (no input characters echoed and no output either). If ping is killed (SIGTERM) instead of interrupted by the keyboard then the output is normal. Also, the output becomes normal after ^C if ping is run from a 'screen' window instead of from an unprotected network login. The 'stty -a' settings were identical after losing the output, compared to what they were before running the ping. --