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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:4681 comp.os.386bsd.development:1148 comp.os.386bsd.misc:783 Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!!!!!haley Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.development,comp.os.386bsd.misc Subject: Re: My 386bsd is dead (again) Message-ID: <> From: (Elizabeth Haley) Date: 27 Aug 93 21:46:55 GMT References: <> <> Nntp-Posting-Host: Lines: 13 I agree with Jordan, check those swap sizes, my machine behaved MUCH more wonderfully with a larger swap, even when doing, which makes groff, which is largely in c++. Note that I have 4M RAM on a 386-40. I couldn't do much else on the machine, but it built everything without many problems. -- If you love your fun... |[{(<=--=>)}]|David Charles Todd, tHE mAN wITH tHREE fIRST nAMES|[{(<=--=>)}]| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ...Die for it!