*BSD News Article 20137

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From: g89r4222@kudu.ru.ac.za (Geoff Rehmet)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc
Subject: XFree86-1.3 with Shared libraries - binary kit
Message-ID: <g89r4222.746491070@kudu>
Date: 27 Aug 93 22:37:50 GMT
Article-I.D.: kudu.g89r4222.746491070
Sender: news@hippo.ru.ac.za (Usenet News Admin)
Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
Lines: 38


I have now got a kit consisting of dynamically linked binaries
for XFree86 set up, and it is available for ftp....
Note that you will have to get the rest of XFree from a source
such as agate.berkeley.edu - this kit only contains some stuff
for /usr/X386/bin and /usr/X386/lib (+ shlibs).

You can get the kit from braae.ru.ac.za by anonymous ftp,
in the directory pub/386bsd/X-shlib.

The files in the directory are:

Installation instructions are in the README.

Please remember that there is only a 64Kbit leased line between South
Africa and the US, and that this line is often saturated to over 95% of
its capacity.  I would appreciate it if you attempt to transfer the
larger files after hours local time (GMT+2).

Have fun!

 Geoff Rehmet, Parallel Processing Group, |#define DISCLAIMER These are my
 Computer Science Department,             |         ramblings, not the
 Rhodes University, RSA.                  |         University's