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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!!!!!paperboy!brezak From: (John Brezak) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: What is AFS? [NetBSD] Date: 30 Aug 1993 21:15:48 GMT Organization: Open Software Foundation Lines: 32 Message-ID: <> References: <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In-reply-to:'s message of Wed, 25 Aug 1993 21:35:07 GMT In article <> (Garrett Wollman) writes: >Can anyone tell me what is AFS 3.x , which has its place in vfs_conf.c? AFS is a proprietary network filesystem marketed by Transarc Corp. (it was originally developed by CMU; the A stands for `Andrew'), which will probably never be available for XxxBSD. Last I talked to a Transarc salesthing, she said that they aren't porting AFS to any new systems, although vendors are welcome to license it; they are gearing up for DFS, which is a part of OSF's DCE. The original AFS was rather interesting, technically, but DFS is said to be a real hog like you wouldn't believe. To make things more confusing, `afs' is also the name used by amd(8)'s automounter filesystem; thankfully, `amd' lives in user space so there is no significant name conflict. If you could get Transarc to tell you how it worked (yeah, right!) then you might conceivably reengineer it after staring at a network monitor for a few weeks. There are some rather nice features... -GAWollman However if you have a Transarc AFS source license, then you could access a "contributed" AFS port kept by Transarc (I think that is how it works). Now someone just needs to contribute an unsupported port of AFS for NetBSD. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= John Brezak UUCP: uunet!osf!brezak Open Software Foundation Internet: 11 Cambridge Center Fax: (617) 621 8696 Cambridge, Massachusetts Phone: (617) 621-7350