*BSD News Article 20549

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From: g89r4222@kudu.ru.ac.za (Geoff Rehmet)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: RE: shlibs and FreeBSD
Message-ID: <g89r4222.747405156@kudu>
Date: 7 Sep 93 12:32:36 GMT
Article-I.D.: kudu.g89r4222.747405156
Sender: news@hippo.ru.ac.za (Usenet News Admin)
Organization: Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
Lines: 16


I have been trying to get Pete Chown's shared libs going with
FreeBSD, but have not had any success yet (up to my ears in buss
errors at the moment).
I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has had any
success with making shared versions of the FreeBSD libraries?
(Any other hints or help would also be appreciated.)

 Geoff Rehmet, Parallel Processing Group, |#define DISCLAIMER These are my
 Computer Science Department,             |         ramblings, not the
 Rhodes University, RSA.                  |         University's