*BSD News Article 20725

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From: sullivan@cs.rose-hulman.edu (Fred Sullivan)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: Re: building emacs 18.59 on NetBSD 0.9?
Date: 10 Sep 93 07:00:53
Organization: Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Lines: 16
Message-ID: <SULLIVAN.93Sep10070053@lethbridge.cs.rose-hulman.edu>
References: <michaelv.747457127@ponderous.cc.iastate.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: lethbridge.cs.rose-hulman.edu
In-reply-to: michaelv@iastate.edu's message of Wed, 8 Sep 1993 02:58:47 GMT

A short summary of Michael's problem: emacs 18.59 compiles under 0.9 but
fails to run because of changed executable format.

A workaround is:  recompile with CANNOT_DUMP defined.  As soon as temacs is
loaded, kill the build, and rename temacs to emacs.  CANNOT_DUMP makes
temacs load everything every time it is run.  This takes about 6 secs on my
386/33.  Sigh.  This does not seem to work with emacs 19.17 for some reason,
but it does work with 18.59.

Fred Sullivan                                    
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Wilkes University                               fsulliva@wilkes1.wilkes.edu
Wilkes-Barre, PA  18766                         (717) 824-4651    Ext. 4846