*BSD News Article 20914

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From: bjm@umnstat.stat.umn.edu (Bret J. Musser)
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions
Subject: MS InPort mouse with XFree86
Summary: Is there a binary?
Message-ID: <CDD4DF.Ew9@news.cis.umn.edu>
Date: 14 Sep 93 21:13:15 GMT
Article-I.D.: news.CDD4DF.Ew9
Sender: news@news.cis.umn.edu (Usenet News Administration)
Organization: School of Statistics, University of Minnesota
Lines: 17
Nntp-Posting-Host: umnstat.stat.umn.edu

     I'm in the process of installing FreeBSD and XFree86-1.3u1 on my 
486DX/33 (AMI bios) system and I have a Microsoft Bus mouse (InPort).  
I've downloaded freebsd.cdrom.com/pub/.../mice/busmouse.tar.gz, but the 
file has references to old files to apply patches to.  My question is,
where are those original files to apply the patches to?  Better yet, 
given that my system still probably can't compile yet, is there a pre-
compiled version available by ftp?

     Thank you for your time.


      Bret J. Musser -- University of Minnesota  -- Dept. of Statistics