*BSD News Article 20999

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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:5188 comp.os.386bsd.misc:1047
Path: sserve!newshost.anu.edu.au!munnari.oz.au!comp.vuw.ac.nz!waikato!aukuni.ac.nz!status!jonc
Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.misc
Subject: Any 386BSD boxes Telnetable ?
From: jonc@status.gen.nz (Jon Clarke)
Date: 19 Sep 93 05:37:09 GMT
Message-ID: <1593261.20229.195@status.gen.nz>
Organization: Public Access Internet Services, Auckland New Zealand
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0]
Lines: 17

Are there any 386BSD boxes on the net that have slIP set up so I can
pop over and have a look at your slip.login file ?

I logged onto g386bsd.first.de but discovered they do not have slIP setup
nor their named, thanks to those who suggested it.  The problem I have
is once someone slIPs into my 386bsd box here they can not go any further
(outside this box), I have set up the rev.tables for it etc and I now suspect
I am doing something wrong. So if you have 386bsd box on the net please drop
me an email.


|  Jon Clarke  |  Public Access Unix in Auckland New Zealand |    HEXAGON   |
| status.gen.nz|   BBS (+649) 358-1052, 358-1092, 358-5543   |  HSBC NZ EBD |