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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!decwrl!!!nate From: (Nate Williams) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs Subject: Re: dd from floppy causes vm fault in FreeBSD-1.0-GAMMA Date: 17 Sep 1993 15:23:29 GMT Organization: Montana Stateu University, Bozeman MT Lines: 22 Message-ID: <27ckph$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Keywords: panic trap vm_fault FreeBSD-1.0-GAMMA In article <>, <bob@beamlab> wrote: > >Hello all, > >Is there a problem with the floppy drivers >in FreeBSD? Trying to copy a DOS diskette >using: The floppy disk code is going through some rather radical changes even now. Bruce Evans has been working on it lately, and J"oerg Wunsch has a floppy formatter (yes, a formatter) just made available for beta test. These things are being tested, and when everything is verified you will see an announcement on their availability. Nate -- | Freely available *nix clones benefit everyone, | so let's not compete with each other, let's work #: (406) 994-4836 | compete with folks who try to tie us down to home #: (406) 586-0579 | proprietary O.S.'s (Microsloth) - Me