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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Path: sserve!manuel!!!monu6!mjm From: (Mike McBain) Subject: Partitioning Message-ID: <> Keywords: DOS BSD Disk Manager Organization: Monash University, Melb., Australia. Date: Wed, 22 Jul 1992 07:04:07 GMT I have been able to get tiny BSD up across my whole disk, but I'd dearly like to have it co-exist with DOS. I don't have Disk Manager, but I do have Norton. I do not seem able to alter the partition type in the way described in the documentation. Can anyone suggest a way this can be done? If I knew the byte offsets and values for the second MSDOS 5.0 partition, I could find them and change them so BSD can see it. At the moment it just doesn't see the partitions. Perhaps there is a way to do this with something on the fixit disk? -- --- Mike McBain David Syme Faculty of Business Monash University - Caulfield +61 3 573 2646 Australia