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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.questions:6286 comp.os.386bsd.bugs:1664 Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!!pipex!uunet!!!!!husc8!haley Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions,comp.os.386bsd.bugs, Subject: Re: NetBSD 0.9: Need help building emacs Message-ID: <haley.751793296@husc8> From: (Elizabeth Haley) Date: 28 Oct 93 07:28:16 GMT References: <> <haley.751703710@husc8><> <> Organization: Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts NNTP-Posting-Host: Lines: 50 writes: >> In article <haley.751703710@husc8> (Elizabeth Haley) writes: >> >I got the emacs-19.17-src.tar.gz file from I This archive I just mentioned is, in fact, maintained by Charles Hannum. (Just the NetBSD stuff). If you need to upgrade to emacs 19.19, I suggest that you might want to start here, *IF* you are running NetBSD. Also, I believe the same files are available at >Building emacs-19.17 or emacs-19.19 on NetBSD 0.9 will give you problems, >because the a.out format has changed. People using 386BSD or FreeBSD >will not have the same problems. If anyone wants a patch, I can email >you a copy of a patch to 19.17 by Charles Hannum. If you do not already have emacs 19.17, you will give yourself extra hassle by getting the regular distribution plus the patch, for the obvious reason. I brought up emacs with almost non-existant fuss by getting this tailored package. My experience was like this: get the file on the computer. gunzip and untar it. cd into it. configure make make install (complain cause I don't have makeinfo... sidestep the problem for now) acquire texinfo dist., install (with greater ease, since I went for binaries on this out of impatience) cd to emacs/src make install That's it. I use it daily to do everything from programming to a few games of gomoku, (which I ripped the snotty comments out of. Mighty annoying to someone trying to learn a game to have the computer be a bad winner *and* a bad loser), not too mention the requisite visit to the doctor... -- You are what you forgot about. Revenge is a beer served warm. |[{(<=--=>)}]|David Charles Todd, tHE mAN wITH tHREE fIRST nAMES|[{(<=--=>)}]| ||||||||||||||||||||||||hacksaw@gerbils.not.on.internet|||||||||||||||||||||||