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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!!!yale!gumby!andrews-cc!gillham From: (Andrew Gillham) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: [NetBSD 0.9] - gnu-emacs compile? HELP! Date: 29 Oct 1993 00:45:47 GMT Organization: Andrews University Lines: 21 Message-ID: <2app3r$> References: <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: What?? I'm confused! Yes, emacs-19.19 doesn't work straight out of the box, but I compiled it with the addition of a simple option in the makefile. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the option was, but it was of the form '-X' where 'X' was the important stuff... Someone from australia (I believe) pointed this out, and it did the trick! I'll re-extract the makefiles and compare them, hopefully the 'make clean' didn't nuke the one I changed. Anyway, bottom line is: No need to patch/hack source code! I'll post more info if I find it, but why doesn't somebody who knows the exact option, post!? -Andrew -- #!/bin/sh - ============================================== echo "Andrew Gillham" echo "Winix Hacker" #=========================================================