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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!olivea!!!!!!flatlin!bad From: (Christoph Badura) Subject: Re: buffer cache retention period Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1993 11:08:23 GMT Message-ID: <> References: <1993Oct23.193511.18122@Informatik.TU-Muenchen.DE> <2agbtr$> <NEWSSERV!STARK!GENE.93Oct25153858@stark.uucp> <> <CGD.93Oct27232227@eden.CS.Berkeley.EDU> <2ao052$> Organization: Guru Systems/Funware Department Lines: 17 In <2ao052$> (Bernard Steiner) writes: >Q: In 386bsd 0.1/0.2.3 (yes, groan...) there's just some sort of LRU chain >that gets used. IMVHO accessing cdrom filesystems is a real pain since not >enough information is kept. Okay, so the problem may eventually go away with >the isofs/cd(rom)fs/hsfs code being run as a user process, but until then, >is there some sensible way of keeping track of "expensive" things and >automagically keep them around for a longer time ? You mean like marking some buffers more valuable to retain than others? No, but it's almost trivial to add that. -- Christoph Badura +49 721 606137 Sie reagieren rein mathematish, nicht vernuenftig. -- Cliff Allistair McLane, Orion VIII