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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!!!cmcl2!!stark.UUCP!!newsserv!stark!gene From: newsserv!stark! (Gene Stark) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: Is NetBSD pms driver working? Date: 30 Oct 93 08:15:20 Organization: Gene Stark's home system Lines: 33 Distribution: inet Message-ID: <NEWSSERV!STARK!GENE.93Oct30081520@stark.uucp> References: <> <> <> <> NNTP-Posting-Host: stark.uucp In-reply-to:'s message of Sat, 30 Oct 93 03:39:39 GMT In article <> (The Wizard of Oz) writes: In article <> surprenc@beryl (Surprenant Colin) writes: >One thing is sure, pms must be on IRQ 12. not 5. >I tried to do a cat of -both- devices 'cat < /dev/pms0' and I get the >same problem as when I tried to using it directly with X, it freezes the >keyboard. > >the weird thing is that doing cat < /dev/pms0, nothing happens when I move >the mouse. Then after doing ^C to abort the cat, I return to the shell but >the keyboard is frozen. Regarding this thread about using PS/2 mice under NetBSD 0.9. There is a guy here: (Shoji Yuen) who was trying to do this and succeeded. I was helping him out with documentation. What he observed was the following (quoted from mail he sent me after getting it to work): I've succeeded to use my PS/2 mouse on NetBSD. The reason why I'm stuck was the fact that 8042 resets all interrupt enable flags if I set something for the aux device, (i.e. mouse). Thus, every time I tried to send some command to mouse, the keyboard is locked since its interrupt flag is cleared. [The behaviour of 8042 is reasonable since the status of some device connected to 8042 might be changed.] So, I imagine if you patch the driver to reenable interrupts on the 8042 keyboard controller after sending each command to the mouse, you should get rid of the KB freezing problem. If you want code, you might try mailing him (Shoji). I don't have a PS/2 mouse and I'm not running NetBSD, so I didn't keep the code. - Gene Stark --