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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.bugs Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!swrinde!emory!!!!!flatlin!flyer!robkaos!robsch From: (Robert Schien) Subject: wt.c tape driver and lpa.c printer driver Organization: Private System, Essen, Germany Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1993 22:33:34 GMT X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2] Message-ID: <> Lines: 17 The wt.c driver, which is delivered with FreeBSD-EPSILON, does not work with my Wangtek 5099EK (60 MB) tape drive. This drive has a PC/QIC-36 interface and it worked fine with ESIX 5.3.2D (For testing I tried SCO Xenix and ISC 2.2.1 and it worked with these OSs, too). With the driver in 386bsd-0.1, I could read tapes, but not write. With the "improved" driver, I could neither read nor write (all minor devices tried). The solution was a driver from someone in Sweden (his name is Mikael Hybsch (sp?)), which worked for me already with 386bsd-0.1. I could tell the same story about the lpa.c parallel driver. Old versions of it work, the one shipped with FreeBSD does not. But, of course, writing device drivers is a hard business and I would be happy if I could do it. I hope that WJ will come out with his book soon. Robert