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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!constellation!convex!convex!!!!agate!headwall.Stanford.EDU!nntp.Stanford.EDU!rlg-vic2.Stanford.EDU!pct From: pct@LEO.Stanford.EDU (Peter C. Tam) Subject: Looking for Disk Partition Editor Message-ID: <pct.11.752121239@LEO.Stanford.EDU> Lines: 15 Sender: news@leland.Stanford.EDU (Mr News) Organization: Research Libraries Group, Inc. Date: Mon, 1 Nov 1993 02:33:59 GMT Lines: 15 In 386bsd/NetBSD installation, it was mentioned that if you want to have DOS partition coexisting with the Unix FileSystem, you have to edit the type of Unix partition to a5. I have located 2 partition editors in dskutl in SimTel20, but both of them are very short sighted & will not edit type to any other values then DOS/DOS extended partition. I have also located a dskedit program that will binary edit the disk by head & cylendar & sector, but I don't know the location of the type field in the partition entry that I want to change to a5. So it all comes to this FAQ: Where can I find a PD partition editor that will do the job?? Thank for any INFO!