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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!decwrl!!!nate From: (Nate Williams) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: FreeBSD: application ports wanted :) Date: 1 Nov 1993 17:50:20 GMT Organization: Montana State University, Bozeman MT Lines: 30 Message-ID: <2b3i8s$> References: <2b2oos$> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <2b2oos$>, Priviledged Acct. <> wrote: > >[i'm just toooo lazy to port them over myself :)] > >has anyone ported any of the following apps. to FreeBSD: > >ytalk >xvnews (can it be ported over to FreeBSD?) >any news readers? Trn compiles w/out a hitch with/without NNTP support. >Anyone who's ported any apps. over to FreeBSD, and wouldn't mind >uploading/letting me upload the binaries to a ftp site, please email >me and i'll post a summary of all apps. ported over. (unless the >FreeBSD team is already doing this -- other than the pkg. stuff) If you get them done, please inform the FreeBSD team, (or join the FreeBSD team as a package maintainer) and we can make those nice easy to install packages out of them. Nate -- | Freely available *nix clones benefit everyone, | so let's not compete with each other, let's work #: (406) 994-4836 | compete with folks who try to tie us down to home #: (406) 586-0579 | proprietary O.S.'s (Microsloth) - Me