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Xref: sserve comp.os.386bsd.misc:1343 comp.os.386bsd.questions:6412 Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!swrinde!!uunet!!sifon!!storm From: (Marc WANDSCHNEIDER) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc,comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: WILL ???BSD DIE? Date: 2 Nov 1993 15:43:40 GMT Organization: SOCS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada Lines: 244 Message-ID: <2b5v7d$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, Jesus Monroy Jr <> wrote: >mail >Re: Subject: Status of 386BSD FTP Site on > > I've cross-posted this to the other PD OSes, because > it's time to move on. I fail to see how you could POSSIBLY justify crossposting to every UNIX group under the Sun. This article was about 386bsd, Not about Mach, NOR about the future of FREE operating systems. >>> Barring serious objections, the 386BSD FTP Site on >>> will be disappearing on December 1, 1993. >>> > You must be kidding. Please define a "serious objection". Dear Chris: I have a little problem with this---IN general, it's not a bad idea, but you might want to ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MILD OBJECTION Dear Chris, I hope you don't mind, but we are working on a very IMPORTANT project right now, and require the agate repository for a few more weeks. Would you be willing to hold off ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SERIOUS OBJECTION Dear Chris: YOU FUCK. HOW DARE YOU REMOVE THE 386BSD ARCHIVE FROM AGATE. HOW DARE YOU STAB THE JOLITZ'S IN THE BACK LIKE THAT! BLAH..... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ JESUS OBJECTION Is it just me, or are you being stupid again? >>> (3) For all intents and purposes, 386BSD 0.1 is 'unsupported'. >>> > This is argueable. Then argue. The Jolitz's have fallen off the face of the earth (bad thing probably), Most people for whom I can generate some respect and were actively participating in helping people out have moved on to one of the other flavors of BSD-du-jour, leaving only a few people for whom 386bsd 0.1 has worked great (this number seems to be fewer and fewer by the week) >>> There was an unofficial patch kit at one point, >>> but that has since been abandoned, and support by >>> the author has always been minimal. >>> > The unofickel patch kit died a happy death. > Why you should point this out is just the type of > retoric I expect from you. A "HAPPY DEATH"? "Well, Officer, He DID get run over by a truck, but at least it was a HAPPY DEATH." Boy, have we ever Missed you Jesus. That statement was GREAT. I fail to see ANY rhetoric in that statement at all. > I've been wondering for quite a while as to your > "official-unoffical" status. Oooh, perhaps you'd like to set up some sort of election system and set up an official officer of 386bsd coordination, as well as three VPs, two secruity agents, and a ssytem administrator? > As the moderator of "announce" your role has at best been > obtrusive. I know from my own past experience that the > pitifull excuses, and muses you contrive bear a real > relivence to a certain purple dinasour. While some may argue that Chris is a little harsh in his moderation of comp.os.386bsd.announce, he has very much managed to keep the noise on that group down to about 0. Perhaps you're just pissed because he refused to publish a few QIC magazine articles there or somethign? (So, how is that QIC tape driver coming along anyhoo?) >>> Therefore, considering that 386BSD 0.1 has little futher useful >>> purpose, is unsupported and only marginally usable, that we need >>> the disk space, and that there are better alternatives available, >>> I propose that it is yanked from the ftp site. >>> > Why did you even bother to ask? Gee, look up about a hundred lines: "Barring Serious Objections, ..." Translation into loser terms: "If you don't hvae a dictionary handy to try and use the following instead: If I don't receive any mail with a cogent --- oops big word---COOL arguments as to why I shouldnt, ....." Better? > I am as frustrated as anyone else working on the project. > Be it that it is, promises were made to individual and promises were > broken. From what I can see nearly 1/2 of those involved should > keep there day jobs. The remaining 90% have probabely never seen > the inside of PC, let alone write some serious code for this > overgrown Altair. Name ONE, JUST ONE PERSON who has quit their day jobs for 386bsd. You also seem to have a problem with Math (which, as I recall, caused no small amount of amusement a while back when you were sure of some pretty neat assertions concerning floppy rotation speed) If I remove half or NEARLY half the of population, I don't see how you're getting a remaining 90%..... > So I guess this is as good as any time to pull and > Osborne. ........YES, YES, YES, Let's announce the new model > before there is enough money to make it. Seriously I expect you > are trying to belay the entire project. Others won't say > publically, but I will. "Captain Monroy, we have lift off...." > IF EVER THERE WAS A TIME FOR YOU TO RESIGN THIS IS IT. > > Resign as moderator, and delete to your hearts content. I've > had enough bickering from the so-called proponents of a stable > OS. Get off the pot, buddy -- someone else needs to use the can. Oooh, Are you sort of hinting that YOU'd rather take over the job? > Many other groups have fine ideas for improving this obsolete > beast. Let's hear them. I constantely read of real improvements > made to LINUX, MINX (ha isn't that funny), Coherent, and OS/2. Let's take a look at some of the accomplishments on the net with *BSD: -a bunch of people took 0.1, made NetBSD out of it, and did a whole pile of things to it, and stabilized it a lot. -a whole pile of drivers were added, support for about a bzillion different architectures was added to the NetBSD tree (No, not the Altiar, sorry) -FreeBSD was put together by a group of people, as a FANTASTIC alternative to 386bsd for those who don't want to deal with NetBSD and want smooth upgradeability -tooooo many other things to mention (take a look at the NetBSD changelog one of these days...) Lets take a look at some of the things that Jesus Monroy Jr has done in the past year for 386bsd 0.1 -"MY TAPE DRIVER WILL BE FASTER THAN HARD DISKS IT'S COMING ANY DAY NOW, BUT I CAN'T SHOW YOU ANY CODE BECAUSE MY OFFICER OF SECURITY AND VP OF PUBLIC NET-RELEASES WOULDN'T APPROVE, AND I DON'T HAVE THE PAPER WORK DONE JUST YET. BILL JOLITZ HIMSELF HAS ENDORSED THIS DRIVER AND THANKED ME PERSONALLY FOR MAKING 386BSD 0.1 THE GREAT PIECE OF SOFTWARE IT REALLY IS." > OK, not all ideas are great, not all ideas work, but without > listening there is no use kidding ourselves. THIS PROJECT WILL > DIE. I wonder how people put up with the constant retort. HELLO, MCFLY---For all intents and purposes 386bsd IS dead. Take a look at NetBSD and FreeBSD, however, they live, and are doing DAMN well, wihtout you. > "I've done this and that.. what have you done?", constantly, > cursing the thing they need most. In the control Tower: "Gee, I didn't know that Cessnas could enter orbit. That's pretty cool actually..." > Those of you that wonder where I've been -- I've been busy, > with a real project where money pays and if someone objects to > my code... I modify. AH yes, the fabled tape driver? Perhaps you have single-handedly finished the 0.2 project yourself? I'd like to see the code What's that, I can't just yet? Oh, there's a surprise. > Some people have a religious intent with *BSD, I don't. "Where the hell did those warp drives come from?" > CHRIS resign. Take your merry men with you. While your at it > take those (subsubsub) contractors to BSDI with you. > You (subsubsub) contractors don't write to tell me how useless > your code is. Hackers in general -- don't take this personally. > I've just had enough... not enough to quit... but just enough to > tell people where to go for Christmas. Those of you working on > FreeBSD have my opinions. This paragraph says a LOT to me. 1. I've been giving you too much credit so far in this post. 2. Your collection of friends must be growing at a pretty alarming rate 3. "Where is he going?" > This leaves the people who like me.. well may all five of us > can get together someday. I guess we'll call it the > > "We get pead-on for speak our own opinion". Well, now have yoo my pea. Your efforts are being wasted here. You could single-handedly restore America's Space program to the great thing it once was.... Toodlepip! Marc 'em. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marc Wandschneider Seattle, WA Barney the Dinosaur sings! You faint... Barney sings! Barney sings! --More-- You Die... --More--