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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!swrinde!gatech!!!sifon!fox From: (Colin BRADLEY) Subject: X 2.0 Mach32 server anomalies? Message-ID: <> Sender: Organization: SOCS, McGill University, Montreal, Canada References: <> Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 19:11:02 GMT Lines: 18 Hi there. Listen, I've been seeing a few funny things with the Mach32 server - like bits of text from 'underneath' windows appearing in the overlying windows - things that can be easily rectified with a screen redraw, but they are annoying nonetheless. Has anybody else seen this? Any sort of fix? Hell, I'd settle for a shotgun workaround... Later, Colin. -- Colin Bradley McGill University, Montreal Quality of bubble varies directly with soap solution.