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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!swrinde!!uunet!altern!coupe From: (coupe) Subject: sort of RFC...PC compatibility Message-ID: <> Organization: Altern B , Corp. X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL5 Date: Wed, 3 Nov 1993 10:13:42 GMT Lines: 29 I plan to buy in the next couples of days a new PC486...I plan to partition the hard disk between DOS and an Unix like system......I want to be able to run 386BSD v0.1 ( I already have it) or FreeBSD or NetBSD otherwise it might be all I want a free Unix clone running on this future PC.... Due to the fact that I'm in paris,France....some of the machine available in the US are available here via mail order without any service.....locally... so i want to buy A pc who run my Unix OS from the box....I hope...and have full service from the computer maker...I mean Compaq,Dell,HP or IBM using the my money efficiently (I mean PS1 or IBM VP and no PS2 for example) My question is a all.......which one to buy??? I mean which one is already running which unix clone.......... I know that 386BSD, for exemple, don't like local bus a local bus machine may not run 386BSD......but for a DOS/windows point of view I prefer to have a local bus machine...... Are you willing to share your knowledge? Are you already running one of the Unix clone....Which one?Which version? on which machine and configuration...... Are QIC02 a mandatory for tape controler when you don't have SCSI but IDE? Are Local Bus IDE controler usable? Are Brand name , like DELL,HP vectra,IBM PS1 or VP usable without customization usable under one of the Free Unix system........I mean low priced models??? Thank you for your answer...........................Philippe Coupe,Paris France