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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!usc!!pipex!uunet!!!not-for-mail From: (Allen X Briggs) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.misc Subject: Re: XFree86-2.0 Date: 4 Nov 1993 18:32:31 -0500 Organization: Virginia Tech Computer Science Dept, Blacksburg, VA Lines: 21 Message-ID: <2bc3ef$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: (Kaleb Keithley) writes: >In the "compliments will get you everywhere" department, my mosquito sized >brain thinks that if I already have XFree86-1.3 binaries, fonts, libraries, >etc., then the thing I'm mostly interested in is the new server binary. Having compiled XFree86-2.0 in my somewhat severely hacked tree, I'll venture a response: Just grab the server if you are happy with the 1.3 clients, etc. It looks like there were only a few changes outside of that. If you're compiling X programs, you might want to update your config files and site.def, but if you're not compiling the SERVER, itself, that's probably not necessary, either. -allen -- Allen Briggs \ My eyes have seen you/Free from disguise | Gazing on a city under/Television skies. - end / My eyes have seen you/Let them photograph your soul killing - / Memorize your alleys/On an endless roll. -- The Doors