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Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!!!uunet!caen!!!nate From: (Nate Williams) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: Re: can OS/2 boot manager boot FreeBSD? Date: 5 Nov 1993 02:41:34 GMT Organization: Montana State University, Bozeman MT Lines: 24 Message-ID: <2bcegu$> References: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: In article <>, Todd Pfaff <> wrote: >I just tried booting FreeBSD from the OS/2 boot manager and it failed (system >reboots when I select my entry for FreeBSD from the boot manager menu). If I >then install os-bs, FreeBSD boot fine. > >Is anybody booting FreeBSD from the OS/2 boot manager? Any special magic required? If I remember correctly, OS/2's boot manager requires some hacking in order for it to recognize the FreeBSD partition as a 'valid' partition. Since os-bs works fine, why not stick with it. The problem lies in OS/2, not FreeBSD. Nate -- | Freely available *nix clones benefit everyone, | so let's not compete with each other, let's work #: (406) 994-4836 | compete with folks who try to tie us down to home #: (406) 586-0579 | proprietary O.S.'s (Microsloth) - Me