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Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!!pipex!uunet!!!destroyer!!!erick From: (Erick Krueger) Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Subject: FreeBSD Release and PPP Date: 6 Nov 1993 10:46:35 GMT Organization: University of Michigan ITD/User Services Lines: 14 Message-ID: <2bfvab$> NNTP-Posting-Host: I recently installed FreeBSD release version, and have managed to get SLIP up and running. I would _VERY_ much prefer PPP over SLIP as SLIP access here is severely restricted in comparison. I have tried a number of times to use pppd and chat to get a connection up and running without any success. I have even tried using tip to open the connection on /dev/tty00 and then suspend and start pppd, but that creates the following error: ioctl(TIOCSETD): Operation not supported by device Could anyone provide any ideas, etc to help me on this quest of sorts. Newsposts, or email is great. Thanks alot for the help. Erick Krueger -or-