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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!constellation!convex!convex!!!!!!chi From: (Curt Hagenlocher) Subject: FreeBSD Questions Message-ID: <> Keywords: problem maillist cd Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 241-9760 guest) Date: Sun, 7 Nov 1993 16:19:51 GMT Lines: 34 I am a satisfied user of FreeBSD on my home machine (at work, we deal only in MS-DOS/MS-Windows<shudder>). I'm currently using the core EPSILON distribution (recompiled to enable NE2000 support) with XFree86 1.3. I've got three questions. 1) On three occaisions, my keyboard has died while in X. One time, I was able to telnet in and "shutdown", at which point the system dropped into single-user mode and the keyboard was working again. The other two times, I waited 30 seconds for activity to die down, then touched the PCs "tickle spot". On yet a fourth occaision, (again under X), the keyboard driver seemed to have gotten confused about the state of NUM LOCK (that is, the light didn't match what the keys were doing). Is this likely to be a problem with the FreeBSD keyboard driver, or in XFree86? Is there any evidence (other than just some hopes or a gut feeling) that this problem would disappear by upgrading to [FreeBSD-1.0-Release|XFree86-2.0]? 2. This is a subject I haven't really seen addressed in any previous postings. Is there support for sending commands to my CDROM to play music CDs? If it matters, I've got an Adaptec 1542 controller and a Toshiba CDROM drive. I'd try to figure this out myself, but my CD programming experience is limited to making use of Microsoft's MSCDEX, which I haven't yet become desperate enough to disassemble. 3. To what address to I send a request to join the mailing lists FreeBSD-[bugs|questions|hackers]? -- Thank you, Curt Hagenlocher