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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!!!!!frank From: (frank segner) Subject: Re: probably a silly rzsz question Message-ID: <> Sender: (USENET News System) Organization: ifan (inst. for appl. nonsense) X-Newsreader: Tin 1.1 PL3 References: <> Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1993 00:41:15 GMT Lines: 20 (Adrian Filipi-Martin) writes: : Hi all, : :I'm used to using sz to download from un*x to a PC communications package, :but I am not sure how to get rz to pickup when running FreeBSD. I kermit out to a :host, fire up "sz file1 file2 ..." as usual, then I'm stuck. What do I do now? I :found some docs for rzsz on the net, but they weren't very clear on this. (BTW, : does FreeBSD have documentation for the rzsz in the tools directory.) : try: rz </dev/(whatever_your_comport_might_be) >/dev/(whatever_your_comport_might_be) so long, frank -- | Thoughts are false. | (aleister crowley, the book of lies, 5)