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Newsgroups: comp.unix.bsd Path: sserve!!!news.Hawaii.Edu!ames!agate!!!!!!netcomsv!sidc!soo From: (Jo Han Soo) Subject: lpr interface... Message-ID: <> Organization: Seiko Instruments Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1993 22:53:55 GMT Lines: 23 Dear netters, My apology if this is not the proper group to post this question... Does anybody know if the BSD/SunOS/Solaris/SGI/HP/ATT Unix systems all use the same lp/lpr interface? What I mean is that do they all use the same protocol to receive/send control/data files? If not, can anyone give me some pointers on where to find out about the lp/lpr protocols each of these systems use? I figure that they should at least sharing on one common protocol, otherwise how can you have a network consisting of all these systems sharing a printer? Any help is greatly appreciated, -- Jo Han Soo Seiko Instruments Dev. Corp. ARPA: