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Newsgroups: comp.os.386bsd.questions Path: sserve!!!constellation!!!!!!!!eff!!!!!!!!teralon!channelz!swildner From: (Sascha Wildner) Subject: [FreeBSD] sio doesn't work Sender: (Sascha Wildner) Organization: Frogs with dirty little lips Date: 09 Nov 1993 00:41:24 GMT Message-ID: <> Lines: 19 For some strange reason, FreeBSD (all versions) sio drivers don't work here. I had them working under 386BSD pk 0.2.4. Here's what happens when I configure sios and try to place a uucp call via modem: The modem dials and makes a connection, but as soon as data comes in (after CONNECT message), the system stops recognizing incoming data. When I use cu to establish a connection to my feed, I can send data (hit the RETURN key, for example) and my feed responds (the modem RXD LED blinks), but somehow the data doesn't "come through". No, I don't have 16550 chips but as I said, it worked very fine under 386BSD pk 0.2.4. I'm currently using the com drivers which is a bit annoying. -- Sascha Wildner, Am Druvendriesch 27, 50354 Huerth, Germany GC d--- p--- c++ l- m-- s-/- !g w+ t+ r x+